Fife Council however, has been advised that a new company – St Andrews Environmental Protection Association Limited are going to petition for a judicial review regarding the pipeland planning application. At this stage we do not know under what grounds the judicial review is being lodged but I have been advised that a full report on this will be coming to the Council’s Executive Committee meeting on 17 June.
2. Parking at Newport Primary School – Stuart Goodfellow from Transportation has advised me that he has had a discussion with Marta Ramage regarding the issue of parking at Newport Primary School. Marta is a Travel Plan Co-ordinator with the Council and works closely with schools on issues such as this. It has been proposed that Marta will work closely with the school on reviewing the school’s travel plan as the best way forward of addressing the concerns that have been raised.
3. Newport & Wormit in Bloom – I am not sure whether the cabinet at the bottom of Flass Road has been moved.
I have also received details of the group’s action plans for 2014.
4. A92 Accident Figures – I have obtained further road casualty figures for the above road from the New Inn Roundabout to the Tay Road Bridge. This shows that there has been a reduction in casualty figures in the last five years.
5. Police Community Engagement Meeting – the next meeting will be on Monday 7 July at 7.00pm in the Blyth Hall.
6. Public Transport, Forgan Arts Centre – Derek Beveridge from transportation has informed me that Moffat & Williamson will offer the “Go Flexi” service to the Arts Centre from August when the new bus contracts are introduced. Go Flexi operates like a taxi but with bus fares.
7. New Director of Health & Social Care – will be Mr Sandy Riddell from Moray who will take up post in September 2014.
8. Traffic Calming, High Street, Newport – Stuart Goodfellow from Transportation has advised me that, following representations to Transportation, they are assessing a proposal for the Area Transportation Work Programme for a flat top hump at the foot of the High Street on the approach to the roundabout.
9. Community Emergency Plan – an initial meeting to discuss the preparation of a community emergency plan for Newport & Wormit was held on 3 June.
10. Newport & Zolotareveo Twinning Association – I attended the AGM of the Association on 19 May.
11. Waterstone Crook Community Sports Hub – a further meeting was held on 26 May. I can provide details. The next meeting will be on 1 September 2014.
Arising from this there will be a community sports event at Waterstone Crook on Saturday 16 August.
12. Japanese Knotweed – I have received details of the Management Action Plan for the Japanese Knotweed that was found on the nature trail near Kirk Road.
13. Newport Fountain and War Memorial – David Weir, Service Manager from Property Services has advised me that the fountain has been cleaned and sealed.
Following a request from the Secretary of the Community Council, he is investigating what needs to be done to clean the War Memorial as parts of the War Memorial are quite marked from algae. I hope to have further information on this at the next meeting.
14. Newport Playgroup – the Chair of the Playgroup has advised me that they do not believe it is economic for the Playgroup to continue in the autumn term as there are only three or four children returning in August and then only for two or three days per week.
They are, however looking at the possibility of providing the playgroup for child care for two year olds. They are looking at longer opening hours (8.45am to 1.15pm) and to offer a lunch club with transport up to Newport Nursery for children attending the afternoon session. The Playgroup are consulting on these proposals and I should hear within the next few weeks as to whether there is interest in this.
15. Commonwealth Games Torch – will be leaving Tayport Harbour for Broughty Ferry on 27 June at 8.00am.
16. New Tay Road Bridge Manager – is Alan Hutchison who has now taken up post. The Chair, Cllr Taylor and I met Mr Hutchison on 21 May to discuss traffic issues when the bridge is closed.
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